Monday, January 3, 2011

Timing of the Great Monarch


The Question many people have is:
When will the Great Monarch be revealed? or
Will the Great Monarch come in my lifetime or even the lifetime of my children?

Heaven has given a clear unambiguous answer to this question through the messsages given to Marie Julie.

She was told that immediatley preceeding the three crisises there would be a certain coming or event.
The event has already occurred and it is therefore resonable to expect that the first crisis has begun. Current events in France certainly support the notion that the first crisis has in fact begun. Marie Julie was told the first crisis would not be long in becoming critical.

How long is not long?
I anticipate the first crisis will reach epic proportions within a year or two, ie, 2011 -2012.
Given how quickly things came undone following the Lehman crisis, a year or two should be sufficient.

How can one prepare for the first crisis?
The best and preferred prepeparations are always spiritual.
By submitting to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit we will each know how best to prepare for ourself and those who may be dependent on us.

The impact of the three crisises will exhaust the physical resources of most people, so physical preparation isn't the answer. It would be a blessing to have a small-holding somewhere removed from the larger cities, where one could enjoy some measure of self sufficiency. This is an option for so few, I don't propose to dwell upon it.

Given the increasing unpredictability of the weather it is prudent to have on-hand at least a two week supply of food and water. The primary need is always for water! How can you secure an ongoing supply of potable water? It is for questions like these that we need supernatural inspiration.

Food and water should be supplemented by sleeping bags and camping gear that would allow ones loved ones to live at home or outside the home for for an extended period.
It is to be expected that most, if not all homes will lose access to public utlilities such as electricity and gas. How will you keep from freezing during the winter months? Don't be fooled into thinking that cold weather is not historically a problem where you live. The weather is changing. History will only be a rough guide to what we might expect.

If you or a loved one is dependent on a particular medication, now is the time to seek inspiratin on how to provide for that person's ongoing needs.

As in everything, a prayerful approach to the Spirit is the best advice I can offer. There is at least one answer to every problem and in my experience the Spirit will usually offer two so that one can make a freewill choice.

To repeat what I said earlier; no one can prepare physically for all that is to come. Even if one could, what good would it do to provide for our physical needs, if we are not prepared spiritually.

The greatest impediment to preparation is denial.
Denial will be the subject of the next blog.

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