Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Bishop Dressed in White

Sister Lucia said, "We had the impression that it was the Holy Father".

"On his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions."

Sister Lucia received the Secret on July 13th, 1917. Despite commentaries to the contrary, could the vision refer to Benedict XVI, the current Pope?

What could possibly cause the Pope and those loyal to him to be so persecuted between now and 2017?

"When the third angel blew his trumpet, a large star burning like a torch fell from the sky.  It fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The star was called "Wormwood," and a third of all the water turned to wormwood. Many people died from this water, because it was made bitter." (Rev 8, 10 and 11)

Imagine if a part of the Fatima secret provides important deails of a 'star' falling from the sky?
Imagine these details are being withheld because there are other embarassing details about apostasy within the Church at the highest levels?
Imagine how people will react, inside and outside the Church, if Wormwood arrives and it turns out the Church had foreknowledge but failed to act on it?

Jesus said to Sister Lucia in August of 1931:
"Make it known to my ministers that, given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune."
Notice how Jesus uses the word, 'execution' of my command."

Exactly one hundred years before the French revolution in 1789, Jesus appeared to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque giving her a message for the King of France, Louis XIV. Neither the Sun King nor his successors acted on the message and exactly 100 years later the monarchy was overthrown.
Jesus did not spare France even though it is the Elder Daughter of the Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is a monarchy. Could it go the way of the French monarchy between now and 2017?

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