Monday, January 3, 2011


Why is denial such a powerful defense mechanism or coping strategy?

If one denies the existence of God or a Higher Power that serves the same purpose as God, then one effectively make oneself God.

If one denies the existence of Satan or Lucifer, one has done so as a consequence of making oneself God and denying that God is opposed.

Most people who believe in God or a Higher Power, believe that God is good and has creation's best interests at heart at all times. Such people believe God does not abandon creation to evil or ill, even though evil or ill things happen.
Those who believe in God know that all that God allows is good or can be put to good use.
Those who have given it some thought, know that what one often terms good is bad and that what is often termed bad, is actually good.
In our subjective, self-absorbed states, we are unable to see things clearly in the light of the Spirit and we often confuse good and bad.

When one is in denial, it is often because acceptance requires one to re-examin what one is labeling good or bad. Given one is only able to select what one's will has labeled good, one must ask oneself, 
"Have I made a labeling error?"

Mostly, we are unable to admit to labeling errors and we therefore enter into denial.

The world is in a terrible state of degeneration, disaster and war. Political leaders are unwilling or unable to bring about improvements to the situation of the majority of those who have elected them or keep them in office. Everywhere one looks, things are getting worse. Corruption, degeneration, and conflict are the order of the day. In our hearts we know that if there is a God, and if it is good, it must surely intervene.

Things are going to get worse. It was revealed to Marie Julie that the first crisis would consist of economic collapse. There will be chaos in France as a consequence of the failure of the political/economic system. There will be a great upheavel of the social order and people will be disaffected and hungry. This is not something that is going to happen just to "bad" people. This is going to happen to everybody, with the exception of the ruling elite.

Everyone in France is going to suffer hunger and fear, the "good" and the "bad" together. Given that all people believe their behavior and actions to be "good", how does one explain God will allow"bad" things to happen to "good" people. It can't be explained and is therefore denied.

The first crisis will not be isolated to France. One is already seeing economic retrenchment in countries such as Iceland, Ireland and Portugal. When retrenchment or "austerity measures", as the ruling elite call them, bite hard enough, people will realize they have been in denial and have failed to take advantage of the breathing space that was provided.

Now is the time to ask oneself several questions:
     "If there is an economic crisis coming, how can I best prepare myself and those I care about?"

Another question might be:
      "If I am wrong and no crisis materializes what harm will have been done by preparing?"

Why not seek inspiration from the Spirit on the basis that an economic collapse is imminent, and only take those actions that will be beneficial whether the collapse occurs or not?

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