Today, I learned that the Irish have decided to resolve their financial/fiscal problems by printing Euros. Apparently this is allowed, provided it is first approved by the European Bank.
What a nice simple solution!
My first question is Why Ireland?
If members of the European Union can print money, why did Greece not do so?
Why are Spain and Portugal not doing the same?
I know one cannot answer a question with a question but...
I wonder how the Germans are going to feel when it becomes common knowledge that the Irish are printing Euros? Will they be relieved they are no longer be forced to bail the Irish out? Or will they be angry that the successor to their 'beloved' mark is being destoyed by the Celts?
A second question;
Is this dispensation afforded to the Irish, as a reward or a punishment?
Back a couple of years ago the Irish people were unwilling to support the notion of a European Constitution. The result of a national plebicite was no! Europe was check mated. Without an Irish yes, there could be no Constitution.
The Celtic Tiger started to falter. The Irish realized the bubbble was deflating or might indeed pop. A second referendum was organized and the Irish reversed themselves, saying yes by a small majority. A majority put the potential for continued prosperity before conscience.
End of problem?
It seems not.
The bubble popped.
The political leaders, putting the needs of the bankers paramount, all offered to guarentee the assets of the Irish banks without counting the cost of what they were doing. The rest is history.
But, it seems the simple solution to National Debt is just to print one's way out of the disaster. Paper and ink are cheep. Can a $50 Euro note can cost much more that twenty five cents to print?
So, to return to the first question. Is Ireland being rewarded or punished for saving the European Constitution? If punished, by whom?
As I ponder the questions, I am put in mind of an old legend about Ireland.
Saint Patrick on meeting God was allowed to know the 'end times' situation of his beloved people. On finding they will lose the 'faith' before the end, he asks for a different outcome. The solution offered, is that before Ireland looses the faith, the Island itself will be inundated by the ocean and sink beneath the waves.
This is the good news for Ireland. I wonder what the good news is for the rest of the world?
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