Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who Decided To Make War On Libya?

Obama, Cameron and Sarkosy.
What an unholy trinity!
Given what we now know about these three men, if they asked me for $2 to help them in their political struggles, I could not respond with a yes.
How can I sit back and allow these opportunists to invade yet another country whose people were already suffering greatly?
There is nothing like a war to cause a lift in public opinion polls.
Is it Obama who will be held to account for the destruction of Libya or Gaddafi?
No doubt God will hold both men accountable but will he not also hold me equally accountable for going along with it?
Afterall, silence is assent.
Is Iraq any better for our intervention?
Is Afghanistan?
Will the people of Libya be giving thanks in a year from now for all the high explosives and depleted uranium we used to "liberate" them?
Shame on Russia and China that they did not use their power in the U.N. to prevent this.
Shame on me that I allow Obama to kill and injure countless people in my name.
Clearly the use of force against the people of Libya is nothing to do with being humanitarian.
If humanitarianism was of real interest to me as an American citizen, I would do more to prevent the genecide that has been going on in Palestine since 1948.
When it all boils down, it is me that supports each of these wars.
Are they not my tax dollars at work?
Is it because I claim to be a Christian and those being killed are only Muslims?
Soon it will be my turn to experience pain and suffering, and perhaps death.
Surely justice demands it!

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