Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Great Sign Appeared in the Heavens

Please find below an extract from a message given to Marie Julie Jahenny in 1935.
"When you shall see the appearance of the Aurora Borealis, know well that this is the sign of an approaching war. When the light will become visible once again, my mother will rise up before the setting sun to forewarn that the times are here. The evil ones will only see a terrifying monster and they will cry out frightened and in despair, but it will be too late. I will save many, many souls for the other life."

It is commonly believed that a unique Aurora Borealis occurrred in 1938, just before the outbreak of World War II. Lucia, the Fatima seer, was told a strange light would indicate that a new war was approaching. Lucia did not clearly confirm that the 1938 Aurora Borealis was indeed the strange light.

Is it possible that the forthcoming wars will again be forewarned by an extraordinary Aurora Borealis?
It is not difficult to monitor the internet for extraordinary manifestations of the Aurora Borealis.

" mother will rise up before the setting sun to forewarn that the times are here."
This aspect of the message makes me believe this manifestation of the Mother of Jesus is yet to happen.
Again it is not difficult to monitor the internet for reports of unusual figures rising up before the setting sun.

God is good. He has given us much information to help us better understand the events that lie ahead.
If, as I believe, the Illumination of Conscience will occur in my lifetime, I give thanks for the opportunity it will provide to know how deceived I am about the condition of my soul and to repent.

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