Although it might seems that the obvious answer is yes, there is another factor which must enter into the calculus. Prophecy suggests the Royal Messiah or Great Monach will appear when all seems lost and France has been invaded. There is however another event which preceeds the appearance of he who will save France and so much of the world.
Prophecy tells us there will be an astrological event preceeding the the coming of Prince Henri. The world is going to experience an Impact. An object from outer space will collide with planet earth and cause chaos of unimaginable proportions.
The Impact will occur in an ocean causing billions of tonnes of water to be pushed up into the atmosphere. The displaced water will not remain in suspension. For many weeks torrential rain will fall. Imagine an inch of rain per hour for a month!
How many regions of the world can survive?
How many growing seasons will be lost to the inundation?
It is time to think about how to prepare spiritually for the Impact. Lent is only a few weeks away. It might be a good time to reinstitute the traditional Wednesday and Friday fast. Fasting has many spiritual and physical benefits, all of which will be a blessing in the days ahead.
If, as I believe, Henri is currently living in obscurity and poverty, we could be in solidarity with him by offering our hunger pangs for his good health and the success of his mission.
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