Osama Bin Laden is dead. People are coming together at Ground Zero, Times Square and the White House to express, what we would normally call joy, but can joy, a gift from God, be an appropriate sentiment at the death of a man and his son?
Over the weekend we learned that Colonel Gadaffi's son and grandchildren had been killed by an American airstrike. Is this a cause for celebration?
Do the people of the USA intend to kill Gadaffi? Is that a "just" solution to the conflict in Libya?
Can American forces be used to kill Castro, Chavez, Putin?
It is interesting that the announcement of Bin Laden's death came on May Day, the same day Hitler's death was announced. In much of Europe, May first was highjacked by the Socialists and Communists but it is still the first day of the month in which we are invited to honor Mary, the Mother of God.
When Mary appeared to the children at Fatima she promised that if the Pope, in union with the bishops of the church, would consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, peace would result. Neither the Pope nor the bishops did as Mary asked and Russia has spead her errors as predicted. Interestingly, the bishops of Portugal consecrated their dioceses to Mary, and Portugal was spared involvement in the Spanish civil war and WWII.
Mary said that "...in the end..." Russia would be concecrated but it would be late, perhaps too late.
Yesterday, a great Pope was beatified, yet even he did not consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. Pope John Paul II did not proclaim a fifth Marian dogma, that of Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This despite Mary's claim that "...in the end..." this dogma would be proclaimed.
All of this means that we are not yet "... in the end...", because neither of the actions requested by Mary have happened. My question is why?
Why do Popes and bishops not consecrate their sees to the Virgin Most Holy?
Has the spirit of Protestantism, so overwhelmed the Catholic Church, that it cannot believe that the Mother of God has the power and the authority to end wars and counter the attacks of the devil?
A Church lead by such men is headed for destruction. We cannot hide behind Christ's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail. Better we remember that the bride, like the groom, must die in order to experience resurrection.
The Church is dying and not from old age. She is being destroyed and the means given to us by God to revive her are being ignored.
Yesterday, was Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast instituted by Pope John Paul II. Despite the fact that this was the date chosen for his beatification, the church I attend did not celebrate it as John Paul II intended.
How long, I wonder, before the first Sunday after Easter will return to only being the Octave of Easter? At the church I attend there was no mention of Mary, Divine Mercy or the Beatification. No alter or flowers for Mary! No crowning of a statue by the children! Nothing to acknowledge the role of Mary or John Paul II in the economy of salvation. This is the same church where the priest consecrated leaven bread for Easter.
In 1961, at Garabandal, Spain, Mary said, "We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently, but first we must lead good lives." In 1965, she returned to Garabandal saying, "As my message ... has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one."
When are our Popes and Bishops going to get it? When will they understand that "..in the end..." God's will is always done?
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