There was a time when lending money at interest was a sin.
There was a time if a Catholic had gone to confession and admitted lending money at interest he would only have received absolution after agreeing not to repeat the sin.
This obviously made it impossible to be a Catholic banker
Why did the Church change its position on Usury?
Has the Church changed its teaching on prostitution?
I don't believe lending money at interest was a Church law like eating meat on Friday.
Usury is repeatedly condemned in the Old Testament.
From the earliest days of the Church it was forbidden for followers of Christ to engage in usury.
Today, usury is defined as charging exorbitant interest rates.
Isn't that just a legal way of redefining sin?
If I had to point to one change made by the Church which has lead, more than any other, to the Great Apostasy, it would be the change on usury.
In my opinion, the Bankers of the world have the control they do over every element of society because of usury.
Most wage earners have become essentially wage slaves because of usury.
Student loan debt has surpassed consumer credit card debt.
I recently heard of a veterinarian student who still had one year to complete her studies, whose student loan debt was $400,000. It is quite possible it will reach $500,000 by graduation.
The worst example of usury seems to me that when a congregation decides to build a new church or school and the bishop decides the diocese will lend the parish the funds. The bishop takes title to the church and then charges the parish interest on the money borrowed.
I find it interesting that Muslims may not charge interest. Muslim banks takes an equity position in an enterprise in which they invest.
It is impossible to worship God and money. Doesn't the Church still teach this?
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